Ryan's Writings…at Mason

Archive for Workshop

E.C. Workshop: Dreamweaver

On March 28, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., I went to visit a George Mason University IT Training Workshop that explained the basics behind Dreamweaver CS 5.5, which is an interface used to manage websites. By the end of the workshop, we had practiced writing basic HTML and embedding links into HTML and using […]


Skillset Exercise #5: GoogleDocs

Using GoogleDocs, a program offered through a Gmail account, I created a data visualization of all of the places I have been to in the United States. First I created a Table, something like an Excel sheet, which listed the locations I have been to and the dates I went to those locations. Then, I […]


Workshop #2: Switching from a PC to a Mac

Yesterday, I went to another George Mason University STAR Lab workshop. This workshop just went over the basics of switching from a PC to a Mac and what are the differences between the two. We mainly went over the differences in the toolbars, tool names and functions between PCs and Macs. Also, we learned about the […]


Workshop #1: Photoshop

Yesterday, I went to the George Mason University STAR Lab Workshop for Adobe Photoshop. It was an introductory level workshop that just explained the basic tools and functions of Photoshop. We learned about the different editing tools to enhance photos as well as the tools we could use to cut photos and rearrange objects to […]
