Ryan's Writings…at Mason

Archive for April, 2012

Instagram for Android: Finally!

Today on Mashable.com, all people seem to be talking about how Instagram is now available on Android smartphones. This news was actually announced in March at SXSW by Kevin Systrom, co-founder of the app, and ever since, Android users have been waiting for it’s release. Well the wait’s over and people are already loving the […]


E.C. Workshop: Dreamweaver

On March 28, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., I went to visit a George Mason University IT Training Workshop that explained the basics behind Dreamweaver CS 5.5, which is an interface used to manage websites. By the end of the workshop, we had practiced writing basic HTML and embedding links into HTML and using […]


Google’s Reinventing Morse Code

Google’s introducing the Gmail Tap, which as described in the video above, is a new typing system that uses just two buttons — one for a dot and one for a dash to simulate Morse code. By narrowing down the standard QWERTY keyboard to something with only two buttons, this will revolutionize how quickly people […]
